Joining Our Team
Ski Patrol at Ski Apache is comprised of both paid professionals and volunteer patrollers. All of which are active members of the National Ski Patrol.
Candidates While being a strong skier or snowboarder is a plus, a candidate may join our patrol with little ski or snowboarding skill and minimal first aid knowledge. The NSP provides excellent educational courses and instructors are available to train all candidates. Volunteer patrollers will be given a work ticket to ski anytime they sign on at the area to work. They can work any day of the week.
Patroller - A person who provides emergency care to injured or ill guests, but may not transport guests off the hill/slope; may help lead training and education activities. Skiing or snowboarding skills are helpful but not always mandatory.
Alpine (On The Hill) Patroller - A person who provides emergency care to injured or ill area guests and can transport patients via toboggan to the First Aid Room. Alpine Patrollers may be responsible for a wide variety of area safety activities. Strong skiing or snowboard skills are required.
Associate Member- An individual who has a need or desire to take National Ski Patrol courses and be associated with the National Ski Patrol. An associate shall not perform any ski patrolling duties at Ski Apache.
Ski Apache Ski Patrol will be offering an Outdoor Emergency Care course for the 2022-2023 ski year. Click here to learn more about being a ski patroller at Ski Apache.
If you’d like to become a member of the Ski Apache Ski Patrol, please fill out our application on the Contact Us Tab of this website.